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18346  No Pokés / Fan Arts / Re: Bisogno di Grafici il: Maggio 20, 2007, 12:43:33
18347  No Pokés / Cinema & TV / Re: Che tempo che fa - Rai3 Sabato e Domenica ore 20:10 => 21:30 il: Maggio 20, 2007, 10:03:23
Che tempo che fa è su Rai Tre.
Comunque, raramente l'ho visto, e le volte in cui appunto l'ho visto non mi ha fatto ridere. Ora, volevo vedere se si potesse riscattare in qualche modo. Su internet ho trovato queste fantastiche battute, sue, ovviamente:

1.   Ci tenevo a darti un dispiacere.

2.   "Pronto, è la Coca-Cola?". "Sì". "Sono l'autista di una nostra autobotte: ho ribaltato il carico in un canale; c'è una moria di pesci da far paura". "Vieni via e fai finta di niente". "Bravo, sono il direttore della Coke Corporation, volevo vedere come ti comportavi sotto stress".

3.   Per strada ho visto una signora avere un malore; non c'era nessuno. Io per non avere la responsabilita' di soccorrerla mi sono fatto venire un malore anch'io.

4.   Si', digerisco forte in pubblico, ma senza farlo pesare a chi e' meno fortunato nella vita.

5.   Mio papa' guida i treni. Lui dovrebbe tirare i merci, ma a volte senza essere ordinato di servizio va in Stazione Centrale e prende su il Pendolino per Roma, lo lancia in velocita' come se fosse suo, poi tra Reggio Emilia e Modena sterza di colpo e lo piega di fianco... il treno per quello tiene, ma gli utenti si spaventano lo stesso.

6.   Vantarsi, bere liquori, illudere la donna.

7.   Da bambino andavo a fare i compiti all'obitorio del mio paese... Le salme non c'erano quasi mai e quando c'erano non mi davano nessun fastidio. Io comunque, per non mancare di rispetto alla USL, tutti i compitini che facevo in quel luogo li listavo a lutto.

8.   Davanti alla mia scuola si e' ribaltato un camion carico di maiali. L'autista era mio zio, quello che ha il vizio di bere; egli, non volendo responsabilita', era scappato nei campi dopo l'incidente… si', poi di notte aveva telefonato a Radio Popolare per vedere se almeno meta' della colpa la prendevano loro.

9.   Si', ho sempre rubato in casa e mi sono sempre trovato bene. Lo faccio perche' ci tengo a dare un dispiacere ai miei genitori che non mi hanno mai fatto mancare niente.

10.                     Ogni tanto la domenica, quando non so cosa fare, vado a vedere delle gare di rutti. Ce ne sono delle belle.

11.                     La donna ragiona al contrario.

... Se fa ridere questo.
18348  Pokémon Area / Log R.O.T.F.L. / Re: Meganium+Beedrill+Dunsparce+Nosepass+Golduck+Kecleon > CheapOU il: Maggio 19, 2007, 23:57:20
Ma Dark King non è CBCross.
18349  Pokémon Area / Log R.O.T.F.L. / Re: Log Rullanti Reloaded il: Maggio 19, 2007, 23:56:16
[c=#000000]Fra, la bestia dei battleground[/c] scrive:

O___O. CHE?

Cercatesori [Fun] sent out Primeape (Lv.100 Primeape)!
Carl [Hax] sent out Hypno (Lv.100 Hypno)!

Begin Turn #1
Cercatesori [Fun] withdrew Primeape!
Cercatesori [Fun] sent out Sableye (Lv.100 Sableye)!
Hypno used Assist!
Hypno used Explosion!
It doesn't affect Sableye...
Hypno fainted!
Cercatesori [Fun]: AHAH
Cercatesori [Fun]: PWND
Cercatesori [Fun]: >:°°°D
Carl [Hax]: Non esiste.
Carl [Hax]: >:°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°D
18350  Community / Supporto / Re: Bannato per hax. il: Maggio 19, 2007, 22:24:26
Il miei team hanno 2 semi-uber in genere. E Medicham è sprecato senza wisher. Oltretutto se Cercatesori si aggiunge con le sue battute...

Sui 2 Semi-Uber, lo sai già come la penso. Medicham non è COSI' sprecato come credi senza Wisher (Ti ricordo che può spaccare benissimo entrando all'inizio ed alla fine. Smiley ). Le mie battute? Era semplicemente per dire che io Medicham lo usavo 3 mesi fa, e da lì ne ho visti un bordello. Non volevo offendere né te, né tantomeno Medicham. (Magari se guardi il mio avatar capisci che è anche uno dei miei Pokémon preferiti. :° )

Come chiami queste frasi?

Qui avevo frainteso io, devo chiederti scusa. Pensavo che con "è un bug" ti riferissi a Meganium ed al suo tipo, intendendolo come "di poco conto" (suvvia, ammettiamolo di Bug decenti in-battle ce ne sono davvero pochi.). E quando viene offeso il mio *sacro* Meganium sbarello un po'. Un po'.

E TE LO DICEVA A TELEFONO! Avevo scritto prima di lui, tu un paio di righe dopo, era sottointeso che era indirizzato a me.

Se dici al telefono "ottougualeugualeugualeugualeugualeugualeugualeugualeugualeugualeugualeugualeugualeugualeugualedì"
ti assicuro che non è divertente come scriverlo. E la mia frase era un mio commento a Carlo: suvvia, tu non avevi Pokémon con Cross Chop, lui aveva Golduck. A chi mi sarò riferito? Ah, e non prendere cose per "sottointeso" quando potresti sbagliarti.

Io ho bannato prima Cerca, perchè mi aveva insultato e fatto gravare la mia sconfitta (il calcolo l'ho fatto solo in questa partita), e poi Carlo perchè Cerca mi aveva fatto esasperare. Tutto questo però è stato causato dallo stress. Non posso reggere insulti e sfiga allo stesso tempo (e per sfiga intendo quelle nei pacchi di carte, dove trovi tutte carte comuni e manco un ex) e il tardo orario ha fatto la sua parte.

"Insulto": leggi sopra. "Gravare la sconfitta": eGgià. Stavamo solo commentando la battle. Fai conto tu che quando io e Carlo giochiamo con quel Fun la faccenda funziona sostanzialmente così: lui dice "Chi challo? Questo?" e lo challa. Io entro in battle, ed inizio a fare delle considerazioni (spesso dei veri e propri suggerimenti, sì.) sulla strategia avversaria e come portarla a non funzionare. E finire a commentare la battle succede PRATICAMENTE sempre, e contro tutti. Anche quando si perde. Vuoi sapere perché giocare con quel team è così esaltante per noi? Simply, è l'unico team che ci è riuscito di buildare in un giorno e mezzo (dovevano essere tre, wtf) a Vicenza. E poi non ha senso bannare la gente perché "io ti avevo fatto esasperare" semplicemente sostenendo le mie ragioni. Non ti abbiamo insultato (o, come minimo, non ne avevamo intenzione), e la "sfiga" da te citata è solo apparente.
(Ah, e le carte si possono comprare sfuse. Io ho trovato in 3 anni di YGO solo due bustine con carte come minimo Super-Rare. Dato che so di avere sfortuna con le buste -ed in generale- compro le carte sfuse.)
18351  No Pokés / Mental Hospital / Re: 1+ , +fygp. il: Maggio 18, 2007, 23:30:17
-1 perché non è da PWND, tu usi Celebi, indi sei gay (Umbra anche se usa Celebi non è gaio, però.) e devo recuperare il distacco.

[20:58:11] [Join] VF-84 ( [Internic Network]
[20:58:12] <Wii> Ciao VF-84, benvenuto in #am <-- E' un Bot.
[20:58:20] <VF-84> ciao
[20:58:40] <VF-84> da dove dgt
18352  Pokémon Area / Log R.O.T.F.L. / Re: Log Rullanti Reloaded il: Maggio 17, 2007, 17:31:00
[MC] DarkCharizard42: Biancaneve [UU]: HAXXXXXOR.<------sigh
Carl [UU]: Comunque, ho il vivo ricordo che hai haxato di più.
Biancaneve [UU]: spiaciti. >;(
Carl [UU] has changed teams and is now known as Carlito [Fun].
[MC] DarkCharizard42: io?
Biancaneve [UU]: è un rimembrar fallocco.
Carlito [Fun]: >;(
Carlito [Fun]: cErto.
Biancaneve [UU] is away.
Carlito [Fun]: Dai, fatti challare.
Carlito [Fun]: ._.
[MC] DarkCharizard42: mi avete insultato troppo
[MC] DarkCharizard42: ...
Carlito [Fun]: °_°
Biancaneve [UU] has returned.
Carlito [Fun]: ROTFL
Biancaneve [UU] has changed teams and is now known as Shaka [UU].
Carlito [Fun]: MA NON TU
[MC] DarkCharizard42: *** [MC] DarkCharizard42 è offeso
Carlito [Fun]: >:°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°D
[MC] DarkCharizard42: ...
Shaka [UU] is away.
Matamune [OT]: XD
[MC] DarkCharizard42: seeee
Matamune [OT]: Poverino.
Shaka [UU] has returned.
Shaka [UU] has changed teams and is now known as Biancaneve [UU].
Carlito [Fun]: Stupenda >:°D.

Poco dopo...

[MC] DarkCharizard42: grazie 1000
Matamune [OT]: Di che?
[MC] DarkCharizard42: Matamune [OT]: Poverino.
Matamune [OT]: Eggià.
[MC] DarkCharizard42: un OT gentile
[MC] DarkCharizard42: come te
[MC] DarkCharizard42: nn si trova
[MC] DarkCharizard42: ogni giorno
Matamune [OT]: eGgià.
[MC] DarkCharizard42: *oggi
[MC] DarkCharizard42: :-)
Matamune [OT]: Che bEllo.
[MC] DarkCharizard42: /demute [MC] DarkCharizard42
Matamune [OT]: Già.
[MC] DarkCharizard42: ok?
[MC] DarkCharizard42: mi smuti?
Matamune [OT]: Non mi piace la gente che lecca.
[MC] DarkCharizard42: io nn lecco
Matamune [OT]: No, macché.
[MC] DarkCharizard42: ...
[MC] DarkCharizard42: nn so nemmeno ke vuol dire
Matamune [OT]: Fare complimenti per ricevere in cambio qualcosa.
[MC] DarkCharizard42: ma io dico sul serio
Matamune [OT]: Buon per te.
[MC] DarkCharizard42: sei l'unico ke mi hai difeso
Matamune [OT]: Veramente non ti ho difeso.
[MC] DarkCharizard42: Matamune [OT]: Poverino.
Matamune [OT]: Difendere non vuol dire "pietà".

18353  Pokémon Area / Log R.O.T.F.L. / Re: Hax Power. il: Maggio 16, 2007, 15:43:23
Ma tu quel team ed i MMash di Metagross li usi da una vita.
Io Dunsparce, era più o meno la terza volta in assoluto. (E la seconda aveva fatto danni analoghi. Smiley  )
18354  Pokémon Area / Log R.O.T.F.L. / Re: Log Rullanti Reloaded il: Maggio 16, 2007, 14:10:59
Cercatesori scrive:
Se si impegnasse, sarebbe più bravo.
Cercatesori scrive:
Lo ammise lo stesso Fra.
Mi confondi il dare il contentino con l'ammettere seriamente  Asd adesso invece me la tiro sul serio: no one can beat me.  Smiley

 No No

La seconda genera la prima, e ne genera tanta. Senza abilità come farei a vincere, poi? °°

Mai detto il contrario.

Ho smesso di giocare seriamente da tempo.

Ma sei comunque restato ad alti livelli.

E poi, apparte che questo non è il mio thread personale, e che il log non è rullante, non potete citarmi senza un mio preciso permesso scritto. *runs*

Ma vai a lavorare. >:O
18355  Pokémon Area / Log R.O.T.F.L. / Hax Power. il: Maggio 16, 2007, 14:06:56
Il mio supremo hax si commenta da solo.

Battle Log:
Battle Mode: Ruby/Sapphire
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Freeze Clause
Rule: Self-KO Clause
Rule: Apply PP Ups
Rule: Battle Timeout
Rule: Unrated
Lunaedge [Funniest] vs .-'Fun Man'-. [OT].  Begin!
Lunaedge [Funniest] sent out Le Muk Parisien (Lv.100 Muk)!
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT] sent out Coso Giallo (Lv.100 Dunsparce)!
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: E' diverso
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: per un membro.
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: Che ti batte il team.
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: Da solo.
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAHSPARCE
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: AH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH

Begin Turn #1
Coso Giallo used Body Slam!
(59% damage)
A critical hit!
Le Muk Parisien is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Le Muk Parisien is paralyzed! It can't move!
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
Le Muk Parisien's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #1
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Le Muk Parisien: 48% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
Lunaedge [Funniest]: tutto ciò ha dell'incredibile

Begin Turn #2
Coso Giallo used Headbutt!
(25% damage)
Le Muk Parisien is paralyzed! It can't move!
Le Muk Parisien's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #2
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Le Muk Parisien: 29% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #3
Coso Giallo used Body Slam!
(29% damage)
Le Muk Parisien fainted!
Lunaedge [Funniest] sent out Il Cadavere (Lv.100 Shedinja)!
End of turn #3
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Il Cadavere: 100% HP
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #4
Lunaedge [Funniest] withdrew Il Cadavere!
Lunaedge [Funniest] sent out Metrocham! (Lv.100 Medicham)!
Coso Giallo used Shadow Ball!
(56% damage)
It's super effective!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #4
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 51% HP
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #5
Metrocham! used Metronome!
Metrocham! used Thunder Wave!
Coso Giallo is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Coso Giallo used Body Slam!
(46% damage)
Metrocham! is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #5
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 11% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP (Par)

Begin Turn #6
Metrocham! used Recover!
Metrocham! regained health!
Coso Giallo used Headbutt!
(40% damage)
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #6
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 28% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP (Par)

Begin Turn #7
Metrocham! used Recover!
Metrocham! regained health!
Coso Giallo used Body Slam!
(45% damage)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAHJ
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #7
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 38% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH

Begin Turn #8
Metrocham! used Recover!
Metrocham! regained health!
Coso Giallo used Body Slam!
(85% damage)
A critical hit!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #8
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 9% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RHA
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH

Begin Turn #9
Metrocham! used Recover!
Metrocham! regained health!
Coso Giallo used Body Slam!
(50% damage)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #9
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 15% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH

Begin Turn #10
Metrocham! used Recover!
Metrocham! regained health!
Coso Giallo used Body Slam!
(47% damage)
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #10
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 24% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH

Begin Turn #11
Metrocham! is paralyzed! It can't move!
Coso Giallo is paralyzed! It can't move!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #11
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 30% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
Lunaedge [Funniest]: .
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH

Begin Turn #12
Metrocham! used Recover!
Metrocham! regained health!
Coso Giallo is paralyzed! It can't move!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #12
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 86% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: uhm
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: Non va bene la paralisi
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: RAH

Begin Turn #13
Metrocham! used Bulk Up!
Metrocham!'s Attack rose!
Metrocham!'s Defense rose!
Coso Giallo is paralyzed! It can't move!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #13
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 92% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP (Par)

Begin Turn #14
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT] withdrew Coso Giallo!
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT] sent out la_mucca (Lv.100 Miltank)!
Metrocham! is paralyzed! It can't move!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #14
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 98% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s la_mucca: 369 HP

Begin Turn #15
la_mucca used Curse!
la_mucca's Attack rose!
la_mucca's Defense rose!
la_mucca's Speed fell!
Metrocham! used Metronome!
Metrocham! used Petal Dance!
(66 damage)
la_mucca's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #15
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 100% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s la_mucca: 326 HP
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: uf
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: avevo undoato

Begin Turn #16
la_mucca used Heal Bell!
A bell chimed!
Metrocham! is paralyzed! It can't move!
la_mucca's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #16
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 100% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s la_mucca: 349 HP
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: volevo fare così
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: OMG
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: non va la chat <-- Non andava seriamente più. >;(
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: mi diresti le mosse?
Lunaedge [Funniest]: lolz
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: in pvt

Begin Turn #17
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT] withdrew la_mucca!
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT] sent out Coso Giallo (Lv.100 Dunsparce)!
Metrocham! is paralyzed! It can't move!
End of turn #17
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 100% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #18
Coso Giallo used Headbutt!
(25% damage)
Metrocham! flinched!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #18
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 81% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #19
Coso Giallo used Headbutt!
(25% damage)
Metrocham! flinched!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #19
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 62% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #20
Coso Giallo used Headbutt!
(25% damage)
Metrocham! flinched!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #20
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 43% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #21
Coso Giallo used Shadow Ball!
(36% damage)
It's super effective!
Metrocham! used Recover!
Metrocham! regained health!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #21
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 62% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #22
Coso Giallo used Headbutt!
(27% damage)
Metrocham! used Recover!
Metrocham! regained health!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #22
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 91% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #23
Coso Giallo used Headbutt!
(24% damage)
Metrocham! is paralyzed! It can't move!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #23
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 73% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #24
Coso Giallo used Headbutt!
(27% damage)
Metrocham! is paralyzed! It can't move!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #24
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 52% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #25
Coso Giallo used Headbutt!
(25% damage)
Metrocham! used Recover!
Metrocham! regained health!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #25
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 83% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #26
Coso Giallo used Headbutt!
(25% damage)
Metrocham! flinched!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #26
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 64% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #27
Coso Giallo used Headbutt!
(28% damage)
Metrocham! flinched!
Metrocham!'s Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #27
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s Metrocham!: 43% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #28
Coso Giallo used Headbutt!
(42% damage)
A critical hit!
Metrocham! fainted!
Lunaedge [Funniest] sent out *-* AMMOVE (Lv.100 Delcatty)!
End of turn #28
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s *-* AMMOVE: 100% HP
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #29
*-* AMMOVE used Attract!
Coso Giallo fell in love!
Coso Giallo is in love with *-* AMMOVE!
Coso Giallo used Body Slam!
(47% damage)
*-* AMMOVE is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
*-* AMMOVE's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #29
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s *-* AMMOVE: 59% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #30
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT] withdrew Coso Giallo!
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT] sent out TRIN! (Lv.100 Starmie)!
*-* AMMOVE used Substitute!
*-* AMMOVE made a Substitute!
*-* AMMOVE's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #30
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s *-* AMMOVE: 40% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s TRIN!: 304 HP

Begin Turn #31
TRIN! used Surf!
The Substitute took damage for *-* AMMOVE!
*-* AMMOVE's Substitute faded!
*-* AMMOVE used Body Slam!
(190 damage)
A critical hit!
*-* AMMOVE's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #31
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s *-* AMMOVE: 46% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s TRIN!: 114 HP

Begin Turn #32
TRIN! used Confuse Ray!
*-* AMMOVE became confused!
*-* AMMOVE is paralyzed! It can't move!
*-* AMMOVE's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #32
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s *-* AMMOVE: 52% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s TRIN!: 114 HP

Begin Turn #33
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT] withdrew TRIN!!
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT] sent out Coso Giallo (Lv.100 Dunsparce)!
*-* AMMOVE is confused!
It hurt itself in its confusion!
*-* AMMOVE's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #33
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s *-* AMMOVE: 44% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #34
Coso Giallo used Headbutt!
(39% damage)
*-* AMMOVE flinched!
*-* AMMOVE's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #34
Lunaedge [Funniest]'s *-* AMMOVE: 11% HP (Par)
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]'s Coso Giallo: 352 HP

Begin Turn #35
Coso Giallo used Headbutt!
(10% damage)
*-* AMMOVE fainted! <-- Arrivo qui e torna la chat. :O A quel punto, però, Az cambia nick per cercare di farmi cadere nel Bug. Però...
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: >;(
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: Sei un ladro.
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: >:O
Lunaedge [Funniest] has 30 seconds remaining before the win goes to .-'Fun Man'-. [OT] by default!

Lunaedge [Funniest] has been inactive for 5 minutes.  .-'Fun Man'-. [OT] wins by default!
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: gg.
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: ahah pwnd.
.-'Fun Man'-. [OT]: >:°D

NetBattle v0.9.6
Log saved 14/05/2007 at 21.55.01

18356  Pokémon Area / Log R.O.T.F.L. / Re: Log Rullanti Reloaded il: Maggio 14, 2007, 22:43:46
Cercatesori scrive:
Io però intendevo una cosa diversa
Cercatesori scrive:
Annullare l'anti-hax, non iniziarlo all'hax.
Cercatesori scrive:
Lui soffre molto per questo sigillo.
Cercatesori scrive:
Pertanto, nella data di domani, lo infrangerò.
Cercatesori scrive:
Infrangere un sigillo causerà una mia momentanea perdita di Hax
Cercatesori scrive:
ricrearlo vorrà dire rubare Hax all'Hax originale.
Cercatesori scrive:
Non potrai farlo per sempre.
Cercatesori scrive:
Questo è tutto.
Cercatesori scrive:
Resterà ad alti livelli, tranquillo.
Cercatesori scrive:
[c=4][b]Pietro[/c] ha aggiornato.     - Sto bene.[/b] scrive:
[c=4][b]Pietro[/c] ha aggiornato.     - Sto bene.[/b] scrive:
QUESTO è tutto
[c=4][b]Pietro[/c] ha aggiornato.     - Sto bene.[/b] scrive:,
Cercatesori scrive:
Cercatesori scrive:
18357  Pokémon Area / Log Posting / Re: Un uomo, uno Stall. (Seymour è un mito.) il: Maggio 13, 2007, 18:39:23
Begin Turn #127
Blastoise used Rapid Spin!
(23 damage)
Zia Gina used Sing!
Zia Gina's attack missed!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #127
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 71% HP

Begin Turn #128
Blastoise used Surf!
(71 damage)
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(30% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #128
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 687 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 47% HP

Begin Turn #129
Blastoise used Surf!
(81 damage)
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(29% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #129
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 650 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 24% HP

Begin Turn #130
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Zia Gina!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out FREGATO! >:°D (Lv.100 Magneton)!
Blastoise used Rest!
Blastoise went to sleep!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #130
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 242 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 100% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #131
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew FREGATO! >:°D!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Clotilde (Lv.100 Claydol)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Camerupt (Lv.100 Camerupt)!
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #131
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 321 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 100% HP

Begin Turn #132
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Camerupt!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Clotilde used Earthquake!
(21% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #132
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 321 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 86% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #133
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Clotilde!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Zia Gina (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #133
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 694 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 92% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #134
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(30% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #134
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 68% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #135
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
Zia Gina used Sing!
But it failed!
Cercatesori [H1]: gh
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #135
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 30% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #136
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Kangaskhan!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(29% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #136
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 45% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #137
Blastoise woke up!
Blastoise used Rest!
Blastoise went to sleep!
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(30% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #137
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 76% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #138
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(29% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #138
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 53% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #139
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(30% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #139
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 29% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #140
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Zia Gina!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Blastoise woke up!
Blastoise used Rest!
Blastoise went to sleep!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #140
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 300 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 100% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #141
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Rocco used Rock Slide!
(22% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #141
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 322 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 84% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #142
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Cercatesori [H1]: pensavo di più
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #142
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 90% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #143
Ridicolo e figo used Leech Seed!
Blastoise was seeded!
Blastoise woke up!
Blastoise used Rapid Spin!
(13 damage)
Blastoise shed Leech Seed!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #143
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 96% HP
Seymour [RiOT]: Ho tanti PP. Grin
Cercatesori [H1]: stessa speed?
Seymour [RiOT]: 201...
Cercatesori [H1]: già.

Begin Turn #144
Blastoise used Rapid Spin!
(26 damage)
A critical hit!
Ridicolo e figo used Toxic!
Blastoise was badly poisoned!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise is hurt by poison!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #144
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 333 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 94% HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #145
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out FREGATO! >:°D (Lv.100 Magneton)!
Blastoise used Surf!
(139 damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise is hurt by poison!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #145
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 118 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 88% HP (Psn)
Cercatesori [H1]: >;(

Begin Turn #146
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Camerupt (Lv.100 Camerupt)!
FREGATO! >:°D used Thunderbolt!
It doesn't affect Camerupt...
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #146
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 133 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 100% HP

Begin Turn #147
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew FREGATO! >:°D!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Clotilde (Lv.100 Claydol)!
Camerupt used Fire Blast!
(140 damage)
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #147
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 201 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 100% HP

Begin Turn #148
Clotilde used Earthquake!
(72% damage)
It's super effective!
Camerupt used Fire Blast!
(133 damage)
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Camerupt's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #148
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 88 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 34% HP

Begin Turn #149
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Camerupt!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Clotilde used Earthquake!
(21% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise is hurt by poison!
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #149
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 108 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 67% HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #150
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Clotilde!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Blastoise used Surf!
(21 damage)
It's not very effective...
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise is hurt by poison!
End of turn #150
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 333 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 60% HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #151
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Zia Gina (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Blastoise used Rapid Spin!
(44 damage)
A critical hit!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise is hurt by poison!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #151
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 48% HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #152
Blastoise used Rest!
Blastoise went to sleep!
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(30% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #152
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 76% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #153
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Zia Gina!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out FREGATO! >:°D (Lv.100 Magneton)!
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #153
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 148 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 83% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #154
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Camerupt (Lv.100 Camerupt)!
FREGATO! >:°D used Reflect!
Cercatesori [H1]'s team's Reflect raised Defense!
Camerupt's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #154
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 163 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 40% HP

Begin Turn #155
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew FREGATO! >:°D!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Camerupt used Fire Blast!
(79 damage)
It's not very effective...
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Camerupt's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #155
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 265 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 47% HP

Begin Turn #156
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Zia Gina (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Camerupt!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #156
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 89% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #157
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Zia Gina!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #157
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 95% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #158
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Zia Gina (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Blastoise woke up!
Blastoise used Rapid Spin!
(11 damage)
Cercatesori [H1]'s team's Reflect wore off!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #158
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 100% HP

Begin Turn #159
Blastoise used Rapid Spin!
(23 damage)
Zia Gina used Sing!
Blastoise fell asleep!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #159
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 100% HP (Slp)
Cercatesori [H1]: :°D
Seymour [RiOT]: Finalmente.

Begin Turn #160
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Zia Gina!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Clotilde (Lv.100 Claydol)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Dragonite (Lv.100 Dragonite)!
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #160
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 128 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 82% HP
Cercatesori [H1]: :°)

Begin Turn #161
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Dragonite!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Clotilde used Ice Beam!
(10% damage)
It's not very effective...
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #161
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 148 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 97% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #162
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Clotilde!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out FREGATO! >:°D (Lv.100 Magneton)!
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #162
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 178 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 100% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #163
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew FREGATO! >:°D!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Clotilde (Lv.100 Claydol)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Camerupt (Lv.100 Camerupt)!
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Camerupt's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #163
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 168 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 53% HP

Begin Turn #164
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Camerupt!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Clotilde used Earthquake!
(18% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #164
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 188 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 88% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #165
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Clotilde!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Zia Gina (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #165
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 95% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #166
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(30% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #166
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 71% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #167
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(30% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #167
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 48% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #168
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(30% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #168
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 24% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #169
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Dragonite (Lv.100 Dragonite)!
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(29% damage)
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #169
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 59% HP

Begin Turn #170
Dragonite used Hidden Power!
(227 damage)
Zia Gina used Sing!
But it failed!
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #170
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 531 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 66% HP

Begin Turn #171
Dragonite used Heal Bell!
A bell chimed!
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(29% damage)
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #171
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 575 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 43% HP

Begin Turn #172
Dragonite is tightening its focus!
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(28% damage)
Dragonite lost its focus and couldn't move!
Cercatesori [H1]: ci
Cercatesori [H1]: avrei
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #172
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 619 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 21% HP
Seymour [RiOT]: ;_;
Cercatesori [H1]: giurato
Seymour [RiOT]: Ok
Cercatesori [H1]: il
Cercatesori [H1]: culo.
Seymour [RiOT]: Ho perso.
Cercatesori [H1]: nAh

Begin Turn #173
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Dragonite!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
Zia Gina used Sing!
Zia Gina's attack missed!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #173
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 663 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 37% HP

Begin Turn #174
Kangaskhan used Protect!
Kangaskhan protected itself!
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
Kangaskhan protected itself!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #174
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 707 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 43% HP

Begin Turn #175
Kangaskhan used Wish!
Kangaskhan made a Wish!
Zia Gina used Sing!
Zia Gina's attack missed!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #175
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 49% HP
Cercatesori [H1]: >;(
Seymour [RiOT]: :°D

Begin Turn #176
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Zia Gina!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Kangaskhan used Protect!
But it failed!
Kangaskhan's Wish came true!
Kangaskhan regained health!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #176
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 100% HP

Begin Turn #177
Kangaskhan used Body Slam!
(106 damage)
Ridicolo e figo used Toxic!
Kangaskhan was badly poisoned!
Kangaskhan is hurt by poison!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #177
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 253 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 94% HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #178
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Kangaskhan used Body Slam!
(22 damage)
It's not very effective...
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan is hurt by poison!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #178
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 265 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 88% HP (Psn)
Seymour [RiOT]: Umpf
Seymour [RiOT]: Tanto vinci lo stesso
Cercatesori [H1]: Se lo dici tu.

Begin Turn #179
Kangaskhan used Protect!
Kangaskhan protected itself!
Rocco used Rock Slide!
Kangaskhan protected itself!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan is hurt by poison!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #179
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 287 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 75% HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #180
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Kangaskhan!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Camerupt (Lv.100 Camerupt)!
Rocco used Earthquake!
(53% damage)
It's super effective!
Camerupt fainted!
Cercatesori [H1]: preso.
Seymour [RiOT]: UNDO
Seymour [RiOT]: Cavolo
Seymour [RiOT]: Ci avrei giurato
Seymour [RiOT]: E stavo facendo Undo
Seymour [RiOT]: ;_;
Cercatesori [H1]: Lo so
Cercatesori [H1]: sono veloce a cliccare
Seymour [RiOT]: Eh vabbè
Seymour [RiOT]: Gg ._.
Cercatesori [H1]: perché sono deciso
Cercatesori [H1]: su cosa fare
Cercatesori [H1]: :0
Cercatesori [H1]: no
Cercatesori [H1]: finiamo
Cercatesori [H1]: voglio vedere
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Cercatesori [H1]: quanti turni
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #180
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 309 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 30% HP

Begin Turn #181
Blastoise used Rest!
Blastoise went to sleep!
Rocco used Rock Slide!
(22% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #181
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 331 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 84% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #182
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Clotilde (Lv.100 Claydol)!
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #182
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 208 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 90% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #183
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Clotilde!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Zia Gina (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #183
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 96% HP (Slp)
Seymour [RiOT]: ...L' undo proprio non gli piace ;_;
Cercatesori [H1]: no. >;(
Seymour [RiOT]: "Ora mette Blissey"
Seymour [RiOT]: "OMG mettiamo Drago"
Seymour [RiOT]: "*Undo*"
Seymour [RiOT]: .-.

Begin Turn #184
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Zia Gina!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Blastoise woke up!
Blastoise used Rapid Spin!
(14 damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #184
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 260 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 100% HP

Begin Turn #185
Ridicolo e figo used Surf!
(13% damage)
It's not very effective...
Blastoise used Surf!
(23 damage)
It's not very effective...
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #185
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 258 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 93% HP

Begin Turn #186
Blastoise used Rapid Spin!
(14 damage)
Ridicolo e figo used Toxic!
Blastoise was badly poisoned!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise is hurt by poison!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #186
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 265 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 93% HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #187
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Zia Gina (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Blastoise used Surf!
(78 damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise is hurt by poison!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #187
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 680 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 87% HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #188
Blastoise used Rapid Spin!
(22 damage)
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(30% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise is hurt by poison!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #188
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 702 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 45% HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #189
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Zia Gina!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out FREGATO! >:°D (Lv.100 Magneton)!
Blastoise used Rest!
Blastoise went to sleep!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #189
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 193 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 100% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #190
Blastoise is fast asleep.
Cercatesori [H1]: niente camerutto. >;(
FREGATO! >:°D used Thunderbolt!
(86% damage)
It's super effective!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #190
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 208 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 20% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #191
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
FREGATO! >:°D used Thunderbolt!
(37% damage)
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan is hurt by poison!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #191
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 223 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 38% HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #192
Kangaskhan used Wish!
Kangaskhan made a Wish!
FREGATO! >:°D used Thunderbolt!
(36% damage)
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan is hurt by poison!
Kangaskhan fainted!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Dragonite (Lv.100 Dragonite)!
End of turn #192
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 238 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 21% HP
Seymour [RiOT]: FP
Seymour [RiOT]: ORA

Begin Turn #193
Dragonite is tightening its focus!
FREGATO! >:°D used Thunderbolt!
(21% damage)
Dragonite fainted!
Seymour [RiOT]: .-.
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Kangaskhan's Wish came true!
Blastoise regained health!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #193
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 242 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 76% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #194
Blastoise is fast asleep.
FREGATO! >:°D used Thunderbolt!
(76% damage)
It's super effective!
Blastoise fainted!

End Battle!  Cercatesori [H1] wins!
Score: 5 to 0
Cercatesori [H1]: Hell One is now.
Cercatesori [H1]: gg.
Seymour [RiOT]: Gg.

NetBattle v0.9.6
Log saved 13/05/2007 at 15.52.15
18358  Pokémon Area / Log Posting / Un uomo, uno Stall. (Seymour è un mito.) il: Maggio 13, 2007, 18:31:22
Stallare un OU con un UU (più un BL.). Lezioni di Stall da un maestro di quest'arte. Non conta il risultato finale, conta il cuore della battle.

Battle Log:
Battle Mode: Ruby/Sapphire
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Freeze Clause
Rule: Self-KO Clause
Rule: Apply PP Ups
Rule: Battle Timeout
Rule: Unrated
Rule: Disallow Spectators
Cercatesori [H1] vs Seymour [RiOT].  Begin!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Vitti na crozza (Lv.100 Heracross)!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Camerupt (Lv.100 Camerupt)!
Cercatesori [H1]: gl.
Seymour [RiOT]: Gee.

Begin Turn #1
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Vitti na crozza!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Camerupt!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Dragonite (Lv.100 Dragonite)!
End of turn #1
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 100% HP
Cercatesori [H1]: °°
Cercatesori [H1]: Dragonite non è un granché uu
Seymour [RiOT]: Lo so che non è UU
Cercatesori [H1]: mavvabbeh
Cercatesori [H1]: Shocked
Cercatesori [H1]: è quello fatto con carlo, mi sa
Seymour [RiOT]: Ma serviva LUI
Seymour [RiOT]: Già
Cercatesori [H1]: BellNite
Seymour [RiOT]: Almeno ha il set UU Grin
Cercatesori [H1]: la mia idea. >;(

Begin Turn #2
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Dragonite!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
End of turn #2
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 100% HP

Begin Turn #3
Kangaskhan used Body Slam!
(25 damage)
It's not very effective...
Rocco used Rock Slide!
(30% damage)
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #3
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 350 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 77% HP

Begin Turn #4
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Kangaskhan!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Rocco used Rock Slide!
(22% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #4
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 84% HP

Begin Turn #5
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Poliwrath (Lv.100 Poliwrath)!
End of turn #5
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Poliwrath: 100% HP

Begin Turn #6
Ridicolo e figo used Leech Seed!
Poliwrath was seeded!
Poliwrath used Brick Break!
(84 damage)
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Poliwrath's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
End of turn #6
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 319 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Poliwrath: 88% HP

Begin Turn #7
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Poliwrath!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Ridicolo e figo used Rain Dance!
It started to rain!
Rain continues to fall.
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Ridicolo e figo's Rain Dish restored some HP!
End of turn #7
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 90% HP

Begin Turn #8
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Poliwrath (Lv.100 Poliwrath)!
Ridicolo e figo used Leech Seed!
Ridicolo e figo's attack missed!
Rain continues to fall.
Poliwrath's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #8
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Poliwrath: 94% HP
Cercatesori [H1]: >;(

Begin Turn #9
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Poliwrath!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Camerupt (Lv.100 Camerupt)!
Ridicolo e figo used Leech Seed!
Camerupt was seeded!
Rain continues to fall.
Camerupt's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
End of turn #9
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 88% HP

Begin Turn #10
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Camerupt!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Ridicolo e figo used Surf!
(19% damage)
It's not very effective...
Rain continues to fall.
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #10
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 77% HP

Begin Turn #11
Blastoise used Surf!
(32 damage)
It's not very effective...
Ridicolo e figo used Toxic!
Blastoise was badly poisoned!
The rain stopped.
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise is hurt by poison!
End of turn #11
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 327 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 77% HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #12
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Dragonite (Lv.100 Dragonite)!
Ridicolo e figo used Leech Seed!
Ridicolo e figo's attack missed!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #12
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 100% HP
Seymour [RiOT]: Scusa.

Begin Turn #13
Ridicolo e figo used Leech Seed!
Dragonite was seeded!
Dragonite used Hidden Power!
(240 damage)
It's super effective!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Dragonite's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
End of turn #13
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 163 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 88% HP

Begin Turn #14
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Dragonite used Hidden Power!
(30 damage)
It's not very effective...
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Dragonite's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
End of turn #14
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 81% HP
Seymour [RiOT]: Rocco.

Begin Turn #15
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Vitti na crozza (Lv.100 Heracross)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Dragonite!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Poliwrath (Lv.100 Poliwrath)!
Poliwrath's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #15
Cercatesori [H1]'s Vitti na crozza: 302 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Poliwrath: 100% HP

Begin Turn #16
Vitti na crozza used Megahorn!
Vitti na crozza's attack missed!
Poliwrath used Brick Break!
(59 damage)
It's not very effective...
End of turn #16
Cercatesori [H1]'s Vitti na crozza: 243 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Poliwrath: 100% HP
Cercatesori [H1]: >;(

Begin Turn #17
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Vitti na crozza!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Poliwrath!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Dragonite (Lv.100 Dragonite)!
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #17
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 88% HP

Begin Turn #18
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Dragonite!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Poliwrath (Lv.100 Poliwrath)!
Rocco used Rock Slide!
(23% damage)
A critical hit!
It's not very effective...
Poliwrath's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #18
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Poliwrath: 83% HP
Cercatesori [H1]: RAH.
Cercatesori [H1]: sorry.
Cercatesori [H1]: XD
Seymour [RiOT]: XD

Begin Turn #19
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Poliwrath!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Lunatone (Lv.100 Lunatone)!
Rocco used Earthquake!
Lunatone makes Ground moves miss with Levitate!
End of turn #19
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Lunatone: 100% HP
Cercatesori [H1]: sImpatico

Begin Turn #20
Lunatone used Calm Mind!
Lunatone's Special Attack rose!
Lunatone's Special Defense rose!
Rocco used Rock Slide!
(34% damage)
Lunatone's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #20
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Lunatone: 72% HP

Begin Turn #21
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Lunatone used Hypnosis!
Ridicolo e figo fell asleep!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Lunatone's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #21
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 184 HP (Slp)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Lunatone: 78% HP

Begin Turn #22
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Zia Gina (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Lunatone used Psychic!
(156 damage)
Lunatone's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #22
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 602 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Lunatone: 84% HP

Begin Turn #23
Lunatone used Calm Mind!
Lunatone's Special Attack rose!
Lunatone's Special Defense rose!
Zia Gina used Sing!
Lunatone fell asleep!
Lunatone's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #23
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 646 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Lunatone: 91% HP (Slp)
Seymour [RiOT]: ;_;
Cercatesori [H1]: Sing Blissey > All.

Begin Turn #24
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Zia Gina!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Vitti na crozza (Lv.100 Heracross)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Lunatone!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Camerupt (Lv.100 Camerupt)!
Camerupt's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #24
Cercatesori [H1]'s Vitti na crozza: 243 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 94% HP

Begin Turn #25
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Vitti na crozza!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Camerupt used Fire Blast!
(71 damage)
It's not very effective...
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Camerupt's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #25
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 304 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 100% HP

Begin Turn #26
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Camerupt!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Rocco used Earthquake!
(21% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise is hurt by poison!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #26
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 326 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 56% HP (Psn)
Cercatesori [H1]: wtf sono finite le caramelle ;_;

Begin Turn #27
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Vitti na crozza (Lv.100 Heracross)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Dragonite (Lv.100 Dragonite)!
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #27
Cercatesori [H1]'s Vitti na crozza: 243 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 94% HP

Begin Turn #28
Vitti na crozza used Rock Slide!
(66% damage)
It's super effective!
Dragonite used Hidden Power!
(243 damage)
It's super effective!
Vitti na crozza fainted!
Cercatesori [H1]: >;(
Cercatesori [H1] sent out FREGATO! >:°D (Lv.100 Magneton)!
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #28
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 242 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 35% HP

Begin Turn #29
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Dragonite!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
FREGATO! >:°D used Reflect!
Cercatesori [H1]'s team's Reflect raised Defense!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #29
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 242 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 83% HP

Begin Turn #30
FREGATO! >:°D used Thunderbolt!
(38% damage)
Kangaskhan used Wish!
Kangaskhan made a Wish!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #30
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 242 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 52% HP

Begin Turn #31
FREGATO! >:°D used Thunder Wave!
Kangaskhan is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Kangaskhan used Body Slam!
(27 damage)
It's not very effective...
Kangaskhan's Wish came true!
Kangaskhan regained health!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #31
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 230 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 100% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #32
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew FREGATO! >:°D!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Zia Gina (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Kangaskhan used Roar!
Zia Gina fled from battle!
Clotilde (Lv.100 Claydol) was dragged out!
End of turn #32
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 321 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 100% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #33
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Clotilde!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Zia Gina (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Kangaskhan used Wish!
Kangaskhan made a Wish!
Cercatesori [H1]'s team's Reflect wore off!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #33
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 690 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 100% HP (Par)
Cercatesori [H1]: Il mio Kangaskhan. ;_;

Begin Turn #34
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Kangaskhan!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Zia Gina used Aromatherapy!
A soothing aroma wafted through the area!
Kangaskhan's Wish came true!
Blastoise regained health!
Blastoise is hurt by poison!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #34
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 94% HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #35
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Zia Gina!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #35
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 205 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 100% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #36
Ridicolo e figo used Leech Seed!
Kangaskhan was seeded!
Kangaskhan used Body Slam!
(102 damage)
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
End of turn #36
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 174 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 88% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #37
Ridicolo e figo used Rain Dance!
It started to rain!
Kangaskhan used Wish!
Kangaskhan made a Wish!
Rain continues to fall.
Ridicolo e figo's Rain Dish restored some HP!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
End of turn #37
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 266 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 81% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #38
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Kangaskhan!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Dragonite (Lv.100 Dragonite)!
Ridicolo e figo used Leech Seed!
Dragonite was seeded!
Kangaskhan's Wish came true!
Dragonite regained health!
Rain continues to fall.
Ridicolo e figo's Rain Dish restored some HP!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Dragonite's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
End of turn #38
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 78% HP

Begin Turn #39
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Clotilde (Lv.100 Claydol)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Dragonite!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Poliwrath (Lv.100 Poliwrath)!
Rain continues to fall.
Poliwrath's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #39
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 321 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Poliwrath: 89% HP

Begin Turn #40
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Poliwrath!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Camerupt (Lv.100 Camerupt)!
Clotilde used Earthquake!
(75% damage)
It's super effective!
Rain continues to fall.
Camerupt's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #40
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 321 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 32% HP
Cercatesori [H1]: gh

Begin Turn #41
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Camerupt!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Poliwrath (Lv.100 Poliwrath)!
Clotilde used Earthquake!
(19% damage)
The rain stopped.
Poliwrath's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #41
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 321 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Poliwrath: 76% HP

Begin Turn #42
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Clotilde!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Poliwrath used Ice Beam!
(56 damage)
Poliwrath's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #42
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 292 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Poliwrath: 82% HP

Begin Turn #43
Poliwrath used Brick Break!
(98 damage)
It's super effective!
Rocco used Earthquake!
(23% damage)
Poliwrath's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #43
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 216 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Poliwrath: 65% HP

Begin Turn #44
Poliwrath used Belly Drum!
Poliwrath cut its own HP and maximied Attack!
Rocco used Earthquake!
(14% damage)
Poliwrath fainted!
Seymour [RiOT]: ;_;
Cercatesori [H1]: non era il momento.
Cercatesori [H1]: x(
Seymour [RiOT]: Ho sbagliato i conti
Cercatesori [H1]: eh
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise is hurt by poison!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #44
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 238 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 94% HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #45
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Blastoise used Surf!
(41 damage)
A critical hit!
It's not very effective...
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise is hurt by poison!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #45
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 318 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 88% HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #46
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Dragonite (Lv.100 Dragonite)!
Ridicolo e figo used Leech Seed!
Dragonite was seeded!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Dragonite's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
End of turn #46
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 72% HP

Begin Turn #47
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Dragonite used Hidden Power!
(60 damage)
A critical hit!
It's not very effective...
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Dragonite's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #47
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 244 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 66% HP

Begin Turn #48
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Dragonite!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Lunatone (Lv.100 Lunatone)!
Rocco used Rock Slide!
(34% damage)
Lunatone's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #48
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 266 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Lunatone: 63% HP (Slp)

Begin Turn #49
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Lunatone!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Rocco used Rock Slide!
(24% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise is hurt by poison!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #49
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 288 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 64% HP (Psn)
Cercatesori [H1]: momento
Cercatesori [H1]: porta
Cercatesori [H1]: >;(
Cercatesori [H1]: allopra

Begin Turn #50
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out FREGATO! >:°D (Lv.100 Magneton)!
Blastoise used Surf!
(138 damage)
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise is hurt by poison!
End of turn #50
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 107 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 58% HP (Psn)

Begin Turn #51
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
FREGATO! >:°D used Thunderbolt!
(35% damage)
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #51
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 122 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 52% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #52
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew FREGATO! >:°D!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Kangaskhan is paralyzed! It can't move!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #52
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 310 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 59% HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]: .-.

Begin Turn #53
Rocco used Rock Slide!
(28% damage)
Cercatesori [H1]: slam o wish?
Kangaskhan flinched!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #53
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 332 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 38% HP (Par)
Cercatesori [H1]: paraflinch.

Begin Turn #54
Rocco used Rock Slide!
Rocco's attack missed!
Kangaskhan is paralyzed! It can't move!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #54
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 44% HP (Par)
Cercatesori [H1]: paraflinch.
Seymour [RiOT]: Eh beh.

Begin Turn #55
Kangaskhan used Protect!
Kangaskhan protected itself!
Rocco used Earthquake!
Kangaskhan protected itself!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #55
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 50% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #56
Rocco used Rock Slide!
(28% damage)
Kangaskhan used Wish!
Kangaskhan made a Wish!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #56
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 29% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #57
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Kangaskhan!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Dragonite (Lv.100 Dragonite)!
Rocco used Earthquake!
It doesn't affect Dragonite...
Kangaskhan's Wish came true!
Dragonite regained health!
End of turn #57
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 100% HP
Cercatesori [H1]: gh

Begin Turn #58
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Clotilde (Lv.100 Claydol)!
Dragonite used Heal Bell!
A bell chimed!
End of turn #58
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 321 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 100% HP

Begin Turn #59
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Dragonite!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Clotilde used Earthquake!
(19% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #59
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 321 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 45% HP

Begin Turn #60
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Clotilde!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Dragonite (Lv.100 Dragonite)!
End of turn #60
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 100% HP

Begin Turn #61
Ridicolo e figo used Leech Seed!
Dragonite was seeded!
Dragonite used Thunder!
(97 damage)
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Dragonite's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
End of turn #61
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 306 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 88% HP

Begin Turn #62
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Clotilde (Lv.100 Claydol)!
Dragonite used Hidden Power!
(93 damage)
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Dragonite's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #62
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 292 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 81% HP

Begin Turn #63
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Dragonite!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Lunatone (Lv.100 Lunatone)!
Clotilde used Ice Beam!
(26% damage)
Lunatone's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #63
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 312 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Lunatone: 43% HP

Begin Turn #64
Lunatone used Hypnosis!
Lunatone's attack missed!
Clotilde used Ice Beam!
(24% damage)
Lunatone's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #64
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 321 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Lunatone: 26% HP
Cercatesori [H1]: hypnomiss

Begin Turn #65
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Clotilde!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Lunatone used Hypnosis!
Lunatone's attack missed!
Lunatone's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #65
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Lunatone: 32% HP

Begin Turn #66
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Lunatone!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Rocco used Rock Slide!
(25% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #66
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 26% HP

Begin Turn #67
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Blastoise used Rest!
Blastoise went to sleep!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #67
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 327 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 100% HP (Slp)
Cercatesori [H1]: uff
Cercatesori [H1]: scassano per sapere cosa vuol dire H1. >;(
Seymour [RiOT]: °_°

Begin Turn #68
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Dragonite (Lv.100 Dragonite)!
Ridicolo e figo used Leech Seed!
Ridicolo e figo's attack missed!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #68
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 88% HP
Cercatesori [H1]: °_°

Begin Turn #69
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Clotilde (Lv.100 Claydol)!
Dragonite used Heal Bell!
A bell chimed!
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #69
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 321 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 94% HP

Begin Turn #70
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Dragonite!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Clotilde used Ice Beam!
(9% damage)
It's not very effective...
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #70
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 321 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 97% HP

Begin Turn #71
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Clotilde!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #71
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 35% HP

Begin Turn #72
Kangaskhan used Protect!
Kangaskhan protected itself!
Ridicolo e figo used Surf!
Kangaskhan protected itself!
Cercatesori [H1]: >;(
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #72
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 41% HP

Begin Turn #73
Kangaskhan used Wish!
Kangaskhan made a Wish!
Ridicolo e figo used Rain Dance!
It started to rain!
Rain continues to fall.
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #73
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 47% HP

Begin Turn #74
Kangaskhan used Protect!
Kangaskhan protected itself!
Ridicolo e figo used Surf!
Kangaskhan protected itself!
Kangaskhan's Wish came true!
Kangaskhan regained health!
Rain continues to fall.
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #74
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 100% HP

Begin Turn #75
Kangaskhan used Wish!
Kangaskhan made a Wish!
Ridicolo e figo used Leech Seed!
Kangaskhan was seeded!
Rain continues to fall.
Kangaskhan's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
End of turn #75
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 88% HP

Begin Turn #76
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out FREGATO! >:°D (Lv.100 Magneton)!
Kangaskhan used Body Slam!
(54 damage)
It's not very effective...
FREGATO! >:°D is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Kangaskhan's Wish came true!
Kangaskhan regained health!
Rain continues to fall.
Kangaskhan's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #76
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 133 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 88% HP

Begin Turn #77
Kangaskhan used Wish!
Kangaskhan made a Wish!
FREGATO! >:°D used Thunder Wave!
Kangaskhan is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
The rain stopped.
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
End of turn #77
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 198 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 81% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #78
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew FREGATO! >:°D!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Zia Gina (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Kangaskhan!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Camerupt (Lv.100 Camerupt)!
Kangaskhan's Wish came true!
Camerupt regained health!
Camerupt's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #78
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 88% HP
Seymour [RiOT]: Grin

Begin Turn #79
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Camerupt!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
Cercatesori [H1]: >;(
Zia Gina used Sing!
But it failed!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #79
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 88% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #80
Zia Gina used Aromatherapy!
A soothing aroma wafted through the area!
Kangaskhan used Body Slam!
(178 damage)
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #80
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 580 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 94% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #81
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Zia Gina!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Kangaskhan used Wish!
Kangaskhan made a Wish!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #81
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 100% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #82
Rocco used Rock Slide!
Rocco's attack missed!
Kangaskhan used Body Slam!
(23 damage)
It's not very effective...
Kangaskhan's Wish came true!
Kangaskhan's HP is full!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #82
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 352 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 100% HP (Par)
Cercatesori [H1]: ;_;

Begin Turn #83
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Kangaskhan!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Rocco used Earthquake!
(21% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #83
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 82% HP
Cercatesori [H1]: perché ho creato questo mostro? ._:

Begin Turn #84
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Zia Gina (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Camerupt (Lv.100 Camerupt)!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Camerupt's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #84
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 624 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 94% HP

Begin Turn #85
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Zia Gina!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Camerupt!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
End of turn #85
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 100% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #86
Rocco used Rock Slide!
(27% damage)
Kangaskhan is paralyzed! It can't move!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #86
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 79% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #87
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out FREGATO! >:°D (Lv.100 Magneton)!
Kangaskhan used Wish!
Kangaskhan made a Wish!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #87
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 213 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 86% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #88
FREGATO! >:°D used Reflect!
Cercatesori [H1]'s team's Reflect raised Defense!
Kangaskhan used Body Slam!
(23 damage)
It's not very effective...
FREGATO! >:°D is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Kangaskhan's Wish came true!
Kangaskhan regained health!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #88
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 205 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 100% HP (Par)
Cercatesori [H1]: >;(

Begin Turn #89
FREGATO! >:°D used Thunderbolt!
(36% damage)
Kangaskhan used Roar!
FREGATO! >:°D fled from battle!
Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock) was dragged out!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #89
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 353 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 70% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #90
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Zia Gina (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Kangaskhan!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #90
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 668 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 89% HP

Begin Turn #91
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
Zia Gina used Sing!
But it failed!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #91
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 712 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 77% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #92
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Zia Gina!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Kangaskhan used Wish!
Kangaskhan made a Wish!
Cercatesori [H1]'s team's Reflect wore off!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #92
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 83% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #93
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Kangaskhan!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Dragonite (Lv.100 Dragonite)!
Ridicolo e figo used Rain Dance!
It started to rain!
Kangaskhan's Wish came true!
Dragonite regained health!
Rain continues to fall.
End of turn #93
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 100% HP

Begin Turn #94
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Clotilde (Lv.100 Claydol)!
Dragonite used Hidden Power!
(95 damage)
Rain continues to fall.
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #94
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 246 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 100% HP

Begin Turn #95
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Dragonite!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
Clotilde used Ice Beam!
(14% damage)
Rain continues to fall.
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #95
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 266 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 75% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #96
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Clotilde!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Kangaskhan used Wish!
Kangaskhan made a Wish!
Rain continues to fall.
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #96
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 81% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #97
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Kangaskhan!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Lunatone (Lv.100 Lunatone)!
Ridicolo e figo used Surf!
(32% damage)
It's super effective!
Lunatone fainted!
Seymour [RiOT]: T_T
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Dragonite (Lv.100 Dragonite)!
Kangaskhan's Wish came true!
Dragonite's HP is full!
The rain stopped.
End of turn #97
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 100% HP

Begin Turn #98
Dragonite is tightening its focus!
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Dragonite used Focus Punch!
(163 damage)
It's super effective!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #98
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 212 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 100% HP

Begin Turn #99
Dragonite used Thunder!
Dragonite's attack missed!
Rocco used Rock Slide!
(59% damage)
It's super effective!
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #99
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 234 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 47% HP
Seymour [RiOT]: Ovvio.

Begin Turn #100
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Clotilde (Lv.100 Claydol)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Dragonite!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #100
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 286 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 95% HP
Cercatesori [H1]: non mi avresti levato a sufficienza
Cercatesori [H1]: Stalli benissimo, comunque
Seymour [RiOT]: Paralisi, anyone?

Begin Turn #101
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Clotilde!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Blastoise used Surf!
(24 damage)
It's not very effective...
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #101
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 335 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 100% HP

Begin Turn #102
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
Ridicolo e figo used Leech Seed!
Kangaskhan was seeded!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
End of turn #102
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 75% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #103
Ridicolo e figo used Surf!
(23% damage)
Kangaskhan used Wish!
Kangaskhan made a Wish!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
End of turn #103
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 45% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #104
Ridicolo e figo used Rain Dance!
It started to rain!
Kangaskhan used Body Slam!
(98 damage)
Kangaskhan's Wish came true!
Kangaskhan regained health!
Rain continues to fall.
Ridicolo e figo's Rain Dish restored some HP!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
End of turn #104
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 332 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 88% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #105
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Kangaskhan!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Ridicolo e figo used Surf!
(22% damage)
It's not very effective...
Rain continues to fall.
Ridicolo e figo's Rain Dish restored some HP!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #105
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 84% HP
Cercatesori [H1]: Ho messo su Tenpei Sato.

Begin Turn #106
Blastoise used Rapid Spin!
(13 damage)
Ridicolo e figo used Leech Seed!
Blastoise was seeded!
Rain continues to fall.
Ridicolo e figo's Rain Dish restored some HP!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
End of turn #106
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 78% HP
Seymour [RiOT]: Speravo fossi più lento.

Begin Turn #107
Blastoise used Rapid Spin!
(14 damage)
Blastoise shed Leech Seed!
Ridicolo e figo used Surf!
(20% damage)
It's not very effective...
Rain continues to fall.
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Ridicolo e figo's Rain Dish restored some HP!
End of turn #107
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 64% HP

Begin Turn #108
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Zia Gina (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Blastoise used Surf!
(123 damage)
Cercatesori [H1]: Speravi.
The rain stopped.
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #108
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 633 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 70% HP

Begin Turn #109
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
Zia Gina used Aromatherapy!
A soothing aroma wafted through the area!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #109
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 677 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 94% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #110
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Zia Gina!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Kangaskhan is paralyzed! It can't move!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #110
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 256 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 100% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #111
Rocco used Earthquake!
(24% damage)
Kangaskhan used Roar!
Rocco fled from battle!
FREGATO! >:°D (Lv.100 Magneton) was dragged out!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #111
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 220 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 82% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #112
FREGATO! >:°D used Reflect!
Cercatesori [H1]'s team's Reflect raised Defense!
Kangaskhan used Body Slam!
(25 damage)
It's not very effective...
FREGATO! >:°D is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #112
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 210 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 89% HP (Par)
Cercatesori [H1]: ma ha il 100% :°

Begin Turn #113
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Kangaskhan!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Camerupt (Lv.100 Camerupt)!
FREGATO! >:°D used Thunderbolt!
It doesn't affect Camerupt...
Camerupt's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #113
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 225 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 100% HP

Begin Turn #114
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew FREGATO! >:°D!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Clotilde (Lv.100 Claydol)!
Camerupt used Earthquake!
Clotilde makes Ground moves miss with Levitate!
Clotilde's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #114
Cercatesori [H1]'s Clotilde: 306 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 100% HP
Seymour [RiOT]: Dimenticavo Clay.

Begin Turn #115
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Clotilde!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Rocco (Lv.100 Regirock)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Camerupt!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Rocco's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #115
Cercatesori [H1]'s Rocco: 278 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 76% HP

Begin Turn #116
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Rocco!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Blastoise used Surf!
(21 damage)
It's not very effective...
Cercatesori [H1]'s team's Reflect wore off!
Ridicolo e figo's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #116
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 83% HP

Begin Turn #117
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out FREGATO! >:°D (Lv.100 Magneton)!
Blastoise used Rapid Spin!
(6 damage)
It's not very effective...
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #117
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 234 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 89% HP
Seymour [RiOT]: Stavo
Seymour [RiOT]: Undando
Seymour [RiOT]: >_<

Begin Turn #118
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
FREGATO! >:°D used Reflect!
Cercatesori [H1]'s team's Reflect raised Defense!
Cercatesori [H1]: io avevo cliccato da mezz'ora, potevi scegliere
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #118
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 242 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 95% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #119
FREGATO! >:°D used Thunderbolt!
(40% damage)
Kangaskhan used Body Slam!
(25 damage)
It's not very effective...
FREGATO! >:°D's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #119
Cercatesori [H1]'s FREGATO! >:°D: 232 HP (Par)
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 62% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #120
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew FREGATO! >:°D!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Ridicolo e figo (Lv.100 Ludicolo)!
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Kangaskhan!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Camerupt (Lv.100 Camerupt)!
End of turn #120
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Camerupt: 100% HP
Seymour [RiOT]: Già.
Cercatesori [H1]: Stavolta era ovvio.
Seymour [RiOT]: A che ti è servito? °_°

Begin Turn #121
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Camerupt!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Ridicolo e figo used Surf!
(13% damage)
It's not very effective...
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #121
Cercatesori [H1]'s Ridicolo e figo: 338 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 82% HP
Cercatesori [H1]: a far così

Begin Turn #122
Cercatesori [H1] withdrew Ridicolo e figo!
Cercatesori [H1] sent out Zia Gina (Lv.100 Blissey)!
Blastoise used Surf!
(76 damage)
Cercatesori [H1]'s team's Reflect wore off!
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #122
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 645 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 88% HP
Seymour [RiOT]: Bah

Begin Turn #123
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Blastoise!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Kangaskhan (Lv.100 Kangaskhan)!
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(25% damage)
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #123
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 689 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 43% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #124
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(25% damage)
Kangaskhan used Wish!
Kangaskhan made a Wish!
Zia Gina's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
Kangaskhan's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #124
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Kangaskhan: 24% HP (Par)

Begin Turn #125
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Kangaskhan!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Dragonite (Lv.100 Dragonite)!
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(28% damage)
Kangaskhan's Wish came true!
Dragonite regained health!
Dragonite's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #125
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Dragonite: 75% HP

Begin Turn #126
Seymour [RiOT] withdrew Dragonite!
Seymour [RiOT] sent out Blastoise (Lv.100 Blastoise)!
Zia Gina used Seismic Toss!
(30% damage)
Blastoise's Leftovers restored its HP a little!
End of turn #126
Cercatesori [H1]'s Zia Gina: 714 HP
Seymour [RiOT]'s Blastoise: 65% HP
18359  No Pokés / Mental Hospital / Re: 1+ , +fygp. il: Maggio 13, 2007, 17:48:52
Siamo arrivati al resoconto numero uno. >;(


1°   +5 IRDG
2°   +2+Ban Cerca
3°   +2 Carl
4°   +1 Poli
4°   +1 Umbra
4°   +1 Iroquis`
7°   0 Green
7°   0 Fra
9°   -2 SW
9°   -2 Bekins
9°   -2 Predat
9°   -2 Mister[._.]
13° -3 Aquila1

E così IRDG vince uno dei 30 rimasti Memorial per la Gentilezza AA 2006. Complimenti!

[Il prossimo dovrà votare Fra e mettere una frase. :°]
18360  No Pokés / Videogames / Re: :) il: Maggio 13, 2007, 17:33:38
E' spettacolare. XD Quello Yoshier è un figo, sebbene io odii Yoshi. ù_ù Ah, bello anche il colpo di scena finale. :0

PS: E la canzone era una cagata pazzesca. XDDDDD
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