"whos better?"
Answer: "boys prefer nidoking & girls prefer queen. but i have them both 100 & nidoking is stronger. but sence im a girl i prefer nidioqueen. nidoqueen reminds me of home i don't why but it just gives me that worm felling. u know i drink milk 3 times a day becas i beleve it will make me as strong as nidoqueen.......u know the other day i had a DREM about nidoqueen it was the happiest night & drem of my life. it was like sooooo awsam,i was speechless all i could say is nothing cause i was sleeping. OMG u know OMG
u nkow what i dont get everybody is whating for years to get out of school then they become teachers, i just dont get that there so weird right im right u know. Oh, by the way i want to become a teacher. back to what we were talking about in the beiginig. nidoqueen ways 200K almost as much as my mom OMG i shouldint be telling others about my moms pearsonal problemns. by the way im 16 KAY. E-mail me maby we could chat later cause i havnt chated for a week now, mom problems U know. OMG like this is the end i hate saying good bye so like bye KAY."